Beyond Blue Noosa Triathlon
There have been many cliches espoused over time about the journey not the destination, about the step taken not the road travelled, about the triumph of winning and the pain of losing.
While I am not one to proport living by any one specific mantra, I am often intrigued by the strength in the simplicity of words, and the power they yield to turn our mind towards the positive and the purposeful.
I committed to completing the Noosa Triathlon early last year and did so with a resolve to represent Beyond Blue, raising awareness and funds for a cause I ardently believe in. The Triathlon was, of course, postponed for Victorians due to the pandemic, and moved to Sunday, October 30, 2022. I am proud to have raised over $11,000 for this cause and I thank every person within our community who contributed to this, we have made a difference.
Over the course of the past 18 months, in preparation for the 1.5km swim, 40km ride and 10km run, I found myself contemplating what mattered most. Was it my time? Was it actually completing it? Was it surviving the open water swim? I had so many more questions than answers.
As I journeyed up to Noosa, I stumbled across two words at the end of an article I was reading on elite sportspeople. The words resonated powerfully with me, and I believe they could have meaning to all of us, each and every day.
Whether we be sitting our Year 12 examinations, preparing for end of year assessments, writing our reports, or working to meet deadlines, or racing in the Melbourne Cup, what really matters, what can determine the success of the struggle, is how we finish.
I hope that we can all finish strong as we journey towards the end of this term.
Stuart Johnston