Positive Education


Healthy Minds Are Productive Minds

Our world-class Positive Education program features prominently across our school with unsurpassed pastoral care in each classroom for every child, a well-defined code of behaviour and a well-developed sense of community.

Our dedicated and talented teaching and support staff are justifiably proud of all that ÖгöÊÓƵ Grammar has to offer and the well-rounded, well-educated, considerate and community-minded young people who are our past and present students.

Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of how to live a healthy, happy, and meaningful life.

At ÖгöÊÓƵ Grammar, our Positive Education K-12 scope and sequence incorporates programs and evidence-based research by leading international experts in social and emotional literacy and wellbeing, including Professor Toni Noble (ACU), Professor Helen McGrath (Deakin, RMIT), Professor Carol Dweck (Stanford University), Professor John Hattie (University of Melbourne), and Ron Ritchhart (Harvard University), as well as research-based organisations such as VIA Institute on Character, MindUp Foundation, the New Economics Foundation, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Centre and New York University’s Character Lab.

Applying evidence-based knowledge in practical ways within a school environment sparks INSPIRING PERFORMANCE

‘Courage & Kindness’

In 2021, our theme at ÖгöÊÓƵ Grammar is ‘Courage and Kindness’. Courage is different for every person, and there is no courage without fear. Courage can mean stepping up, even when we feel afraid, to speak in front of the class; to try something new; to stand up for someone else; and to do the right thing. It can take courage to speak the truth, and to feel vulnerable, and it can also take courage to listen to someone else who may have a different perspective.

When we use courage with kindness, we remind ourselves to use empathy to try to understand how someone else may be feeling or thinking. This can help us to build healthy relationships and to learn and develop these strengths.

implementing Positive Education and Wellbeing

An age-appropriate scope and sequence of Positive Education and Wellbeing has been developed across the whole school. ÖгöÊÓƵ are taught important skills and strategies that build on each other to ensure they develop social, emotional and wellbeing literacy.

A brief overview of key topics are:

Junior School

Positive relationships, basic values of friendship, courage, kindness and optimism

Middle School

Positive Psychology science, mindfulness, strengths, relationships, positive bodies and media literacy

Pre Senior School

Benefit mindset, accepting challenges and personal accountability

Senior School

Making mature decisions, managing stress and anxiety in a positive way, leadership and purpose

Our Positive Education department has a library of books available for loan and can be accessed at any time to answer questions about this field.


Our Student Services Wellbeing Team works across the School to develop initiatives to enhance health and positive engagement in order for each student to thrive.

The Wellbeing team includes our school counsellors, educational psychologists, careers advisers, medical staff, special education teachers and our Boarding House supervisors.

We believe an effective approach to wellbeing involves:

  • Ensuring that students have a sense of safety, security and wellbeing;
  • Building self-worth, confidence and responsibility;
  • Developing in students an understanding of their physical, emotional and personal development;
  • Engendering respect and tolerance for difference;
  • Cultivating student leadership opportunities;
  • Engaging students in appropriate career and vocational experiences nurturing resilience in students;
  • Developing positive social relationships and interpersonal skills;

Defining Wellbeing at ÖгöÊÓƵ Grammar:

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For more information please contact our Head of Wellbeing, Ms Anne Stringer at astringer@pgs.vic.edu.au


uMatter is a whole-school approach to support the wellbeing of students and their families.

uMatter is a combination of the KidsMatter and MindMatters wellbeing frameworks coupled with the science of Positive Psychology.

At ÖгöÊÓƵ Grammar we aim to continually improve in four key areas:

  • Building a positive school community
  • Social and emotional learning
  • Partnering with parents and families
  • Supporting students with mental health difficulties

We offer a range of evidence-based wellbeing and Positive Psychology programs to teach students necessary life skills that will help them reach their personal and academic potential.